Cookie policy & privacy

When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device (eg computer or mobile phone). These include small files known as cookies.

Can I opt out of cookies?

We use cookies based on your 'implied consent', which means that if you continue to use our website, we will assume you are happy for us to set cookies. If you aren't, then yes, there are a number of things you can do.

You can set your web browser (eg Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer etc) to reject all cookies; allow only 'trusted' sites to set them; or to accept cookies from websites only for the duration of your visit. Your browser's 'help' option will tell you how. However, please be aware that if you choose to delete or restrict cookies, some features of our website may not work.

The cookies we use

EU Cookie Compliance
Expires: when you close the browser
Purpose: This cookie is used to record the types of cookies a user is willing to accept on this website.

User preferences
Expires: when you close the browser
Purpose: This cookie is used to record a user's language preference

Google Analytics
Expires: 2 years
Expires: 30 minutes
Expires: when you close the browser
Expires: 6 months
Purpose: These cookies are used to collect information about how people use the website. This allows us to make sure the website is meeting your needs, and help us understand what we could improve. See the Google Analytics Privacy Policy for more details.
Cookie Consent

Our website uses cookies to provide your browsing experience and relavent informations. Before continuing to use our website, you agree & accept of our Cookie Policy & Privacy